Our Mission

​​​​The Student Government Association of Trinity University (SGA) serves as an organization of elected students which advocates for the development and advancement of student interests both inside and outside of the University community. We strive for transparency in all our actions and fiscal allocations while working to support the greatest diversity of ideas and activities pursued by the student body and its organizations.

We endeavor to cultivate and maintain positive and informed relationships between the students and the administration, faculty, and staff, ensuring that student interests are represented any time a policy or proposal affecting the student body is introduced.

Student Government Association group photo_Oct2023
Get involved, get connected, and realize change. 
Student Government Association 100 year celebration logo

One Hundred Years of Student Government

Trinity’s Student Government Association (SGA) is celebrating its 100th year as a student organization, marking it as one of the oldest, active student organizations on campus!

Founded in the 1922-1923 academic year as the General Student Council, it would then transform into the Student’s Association, into two branches in the Student Senate and the Association of Residence Hall Students (ARHS) during the 1980s. This then evolved again into the Association of Student Representatives in 1994 and then to the present-day name change to SGA in 2013.

SGA's everlasting mission is to advocate for the development and advancement of student interests and student success. As we celebrate our 100th year, we reaffirm our mission and look into the future with bigger and bolder ideas.


composite of 1922-23 Student Government Association

1922-1923 Student’s Council: President Graydon Wilemon and Vice President Olan Street

Composite image of 2022 Student Government Association

2022-2023 SGA: President Danny Nguyen and Vice President Donya Ahmadi

Meet the Team

SGA’s leadership consists of student leaders, across the campus, who serve as the President, Vice-President, and Cabinet, as well as 2 staff advisers. Additionally, each class is represented by 5 senators. Together the students and staff work together to improve the lives of students and the community. SGA is the primary link between students, faculty, and administration. 

Danny Nguyen '24



President Danny Nguyen serves as the SGA president for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 terms. Danny is a senior from San Antonio, TX, and is a dual-degree student in Business Administration (with a concentration in Marketing) and Communication. In his role as President, Danny represents SGA’s interests and opinions to the students, administration, and faculty, manages the operations of SGA, and oversees projects and initiatives undertaken by SGA. Outside of SGA, you will find Danny giving tours, being involved in various clubs on campus, or having fun with friends in his hometown. 

Caterina Mora '24

Vice President 


Vice President Caterina Mora is serving as the SGA vice president from the 2023-24 term. Caterina is a senior from the island of Mallorca in the country of Spain and is a double major in Business Analytics/Technology and International Economics, with a minor in Data Science. In her role, VP Mora serves as the chair of the finance committee and manages the Student Activity Fund. Outside of SGA, you can find Caterina being involved in Greek Life as a member of the SPURS Sorority, and giving tours to prospective students and their families. Feel free to contact VP Mora about anything related to funding or for any other help your student group might need. 

Contact Us

SGA meetings are open to the Trinity community and take place every Wednesday in the Waxahachie Room in Coates Student Center.


Linktree: linktr.ee/sgatrinity

Instagram: @sga.trinity

Where Do Your Student Activity Fees Go

As part of tuition, each student enrolled at Trinity pays an "activity fee" of $162 per semester which is pooled together to create the Student Activity Fee. During the year, SGA allocates these funds to groups on campus including university-sponsored organizations (USOs) and registered student organizations (RSOs).

This graphic provides a dollar amount breakdown of approximately how much of each student's activity fee is allocated to the various organizations on campus.

For more information, please feel free to contact Vice President Mora at cmoraadr@bifa0070.com


Funding Request

A SGA funding request form should be completed six weeks before the event is planned to take place. The form is online and can be found here. Once you submit this form, it can not be revised. If you have any questions or concerns, please email sga@bifa0070.com.  Below is the process for requesting funds:

Step 1: Complete Funding Request Form

Recommended to submit requests at least 4-6 weeks in advance. 

Step 2: Finance Committee Review

Receive email feedback from SGA Treasurer and/or an invitation to present your proposal.

Step 3: Attend Preliminary Appointment

Meet with member of Finance Committee to go over questions they/you many have.

Step 4: Prepare for Your Presentation

Email contains date, time & location; prepare expense details and for Q&A.

Step 5: Funding Presentations and Voting

For funding requests $1500 or below, funding proposals are presented and decided in finance committee meetings, which are every other Tuesdays, given the funding calendar. For funding requests above $1500, proposals are presented and decided in a senate funding session, which are every other SGA meeting, given the funding calendar.

Step 6: Decision Email

Email notification sent to org by the end of the week.

Step 7: Acquisition of Funds

Funds are transferred to org account via Student Financial Services.

Step 8: Turn In Receipts

After event, fill out follow-up form included in decision email. Return all excess funds to SAF.


Stay in the Know

Student Issue Report

SGA is interested in your feedback. Please submit information via the form below so we can investigate and address your concern. 

What to Fix