On this page:

Admission Policy

Trinity University’s admission policy, established by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the administration, is to attract academically gifted and highly motivated undergraduate students of varied geographic, racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, religious, and national backgrounds who are eager to learn and develop their talents and leadership qualities.

Factors that influence the admission decision include: grade point average (unweighted based on academic courses), course rigor, class rank (if reported), high school quality, writing, standardized test scores, recommendations from high school counselors and teachers, special talent and creativity, and contributions to school and community. Students who have attended other institutions of higher learning wishing to transfer to Trinity University will be evaluated also on their academic achievement and courses completed at the prior institution. Final transcripts, including any work in progress at the time of admission or done subsequent to admission, must be submitted by the stated admissions deadline. 

Within published requirements for admission, Trinity University does not and will not discriminate in admission of students to study at the University, enrollment in classes, housing, or use of facilities in the academic program because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability (if otherwise qualified for admissions), military/veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law.

Students who have never attended Trinity University should contact the Office of Admissions at Trinity University, One Trinity Place, San Antonio TX 78212-7200; (210) 999-7207; 1-800-TRINITY; admissions@bifa0070.com.

Admission Minimum Course Expectations

Minimum secondary school course expectations include four years/credits of English; three years/credits of college preparatory mathematics including algebra II and either trigonometry, precalculus, statistics, or other advanced mathematics course approved by the Office of Admissions and the Department of Mathematics; three years/credits of natural science (including two years of laboratory science); three years/credits of social science; and two years/credits of a single foreign language. An average of C- or better is expected in each course.

International Student Requirements

Citizens of countries other than the United States whose first language is not English are encouraged to submit results from the TOEFL (recommended score of 100 iBT), IELTS (recommended score of 7.0) or the Duolingo English Test (recommended score of 120). In addition, international applicants must submit financial documentation demonstrating their ability to fund a Trinity education. All records must be submitted in English (Students must submit certified English translations of documents not originally in English). Trinity University will issue Form I-20, Certificate for Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status, only upon receipt of a non-refundable deposit indicating acceptance of an offer of admission and required financial certification.

Temporary Withdrawal

A student may request a temporary withdrawal from the university for one or two semesters. The form applying for temporary withdrawal must be obtained from the Office of the Registrar and filed with the Registrar following consultation with the student’s faculty adviser and the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students or the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Temporary withdrawal for more than two semesters can be taken only with approval of both the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students and the Vice President for Academic Affairs and will be granted only for compelling reason. A student on temporary withdrawal may register for the semester of return at the time of the November or April registration, but the student is responsible for establishing contact with the Office of the Registrar and the faculty adviser in order to achieve such registration.

If the purpose of the temporary withdrawal includes study at another college or university, permission for the temporary withdrawal requires the approval of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the justification must be the student’s access to curricula not available at Trinity that is central/critical to the student’s program of study. Permission to transfer credit is to be sought in the same manner as for summer school at another institution, and the student is not eligible to receive financial aid, including state or federally funded programs, through Trinity University. Reenrollment at Trinity for students on this type of term is dependent on satisfactory performance at the college attended. Behavior that would be deemed grounds for dismissal from Trinity will also be grounds for denial of reenrollment. A temporary withdrawal that includes study elsewhere is not to be confused with approved Study Abroad or approved specialized Special Studies: U.S. semesters for which credit approval and eligibility for financial aid is arranged through the International Programs Office. Note: Students receiving aid from Trinity, particularly students who have borrowed student loans, should consult with the Office of Financial Aid prior to taking a temporary withdrawal to determine what impact a temporary withdrawal may have on aid eligibility.

Readmission to the University

Former Trinity students who have not been in attendance for one or more regular semesters must file an application for readmission. Readmission forms may be requested from the Registrar.

Applications for readmission must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at least two months prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student applying for readmission wishes to enroll. The Committee on Academic Standing reviews applications for readmission from students who are not in good standing. Students readmitted to the University are responsible for making arrangements for housing and financial aid. Contact the Offices of Student Affairs and Financial Aid for more information.

Students on approved temporary withdrawal from the University or doing approved study abroad or special studies semesters are not required to apply for readmission.


Registration for continuing students will take place during the preceding semester. All continuing students planning to enroll for the upcoming semester must register during this period.

Registration for new students will be held on the opening days indicated on the Academic calendar. 

No student who is registered in a course for which all required prerequisites have been met or waived by the instructor or the department chair shall have the registration dropped or changed without the student's prior voluntary consent unless approved by the Registrar or the Office of Academic Affairs. Students may, however, be involuntarily dropped from a course by a faculty member for non-attendance or disruption of class (see Academic Regulations).

Add/Drop Period

Students may add courses to their schedule through the sixth day of classes of a regular semester and through the fifth day of classes of a summer term. Students enrolled in a course that has not officially met before the end of the drop period (e.g., Monday only courses) have until 5:00 p.m. on the day following the first meeting of that course to drop a course. After those dates, which are specified in the Academic calendar, a student may not enter a new course and no further registration for the term will be accepted.

Students may drop courses from their schedule through the sixth day of classes of a regular semester and through the fifth day of classes of a summer term. Students enrolled in a course that has not officially met before the end of the drop period (for instance, Monday-only courses) have until 5:00 p.m. on the day following the first meeting of that course to drop the course. After those dates, which are specified in the Academic calendar, a student may only withdraw from a class with a grade of W.

Withdrawal from a Course

The University Registrar establishes a course withdrawal deadline for each semester and summer session. The last day to withdraw from a course shall be during the tenth full week of classes in fall and spring semesters and during the fourth full week of classes in the summer term. If a student withdraws from a course after the Add/Drop period, a grade of W will be entered on the student’s transcript.

Withdrawal deadlines for classes offered for a portion of a semester are established as follows. A student may withdraw from such a class with a grade of W until the end of the fourth week of the course during the fall or spring semester, or the second week during the summer semester.

After these dates, withdrawal may be made only with approval from the Office of Academic Affairs. The Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs: Student Academic Issues shall consult with the instructor before approving exceptions to withdrawal policies. After the withdrawal deadline no student may withdraw from a class except in an emergency such as hospitalization.

Withdrawal forms are available in the Office of the Registrar. Students failing to file proper withdrawal forms by the appropriate deadline must complete classes for which they are registered or receive an F. 

Withdrawal from the University

An honorable dismissal will be granted to any student who may desire to withdraw from the University if he/she is in good academic standing, is not subject to discipline, has made satisfactory arrangements for settling his/her financial account, and has had the requisite exit interviews by the residential life staff and student loan officer (if applicable).

After the established withdrawal deadline, students who withdraw from the University will receive grades of F in all courses for which they are registered except for students withdrawing as a result of an emergency such as hospitalization as certified by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students or Vice President for Academic Affairs.

A student who wishes to withdraw from the University must submit an application for complete withdrawal, signed by his or her adviser, to the Registrar. Official withdrawal from the University for an upcoming semester must be completed by the last day of add/drop in order to receive full refund of tuition. Refund of tuition and other charges will be in accordance with the schedule of reduced costs. (See Student Expenses and Financial Aid.)

Students who stop attending classes without officially withdrawing will forfeit claim to honorable dismissal and will be given failing grades.

Students who have registered for classes but then choose not to attend the University must notify the Office of the Registrar in writing or submit an application for complete withdrawal prior to the start of classes. If written notification is not received by the Office of the Registrar prior to the end of the Add/Drop period, grades of W will be recorded on the official transcript.

Students who withdraw from the University during a term will have their financial aid reviewed and adjusted as applicable in accordance with federal, state, institutional, and external regulations, rules, and policies.

Health Services, Health Record, and Insurance

Upon admission to Trinity University, students are required to submit a health record form which includes the student’s medical history, documentation of a physical examination, immunization records, and a statement of consent for treatment and confidentiality. The University also requires students to have health insurance. 

All students enrolled for nine or more hours of study will be billed for the Student Health Insurance Plan, annually. This ensures that all students are insured, facilitating treatment in the community, when necessary, and minimizes the financial risk associated with serious illness or injury.  

Students with personal health insurance may waive the charge by completing an online waiver before the end of Add/Drop. New students will receive the required health record form by mail from Admissions.The Health Record should be completed by the student and a healthcare provider and returned to Health Services before moving onto campus.

Texas law requires all students under 22 years of age to have received the Meningococcal vaccine at least 10 days before class starts and within the 5 years prior to the first day of class.  Students who fail to meet these requirements may not be permitted to register for classes.

The Trinity University Health Services is a health care facility for students in need of medical consultation. The service is staffed by registered nurses, and physicians hold clinics four days a week, by appointment. The range of services includes nursing assessment and care of illness, injuries and minor emergencies; administration of vaccines; laboratory testing; medical evaluation and treatment by a physician during clinic hours; and appropriate medical and dental referrals. 

Credit From Other Institutions and by Examination

Transfer Credit

Trinity University evaluates, and may accept, credit earned at other regionally accredited educational institutions. The basis for approval of transfer credit is that the courses are appropriate to the Trinity curriculum. Thus credit may be given to courses whose content is such that they are or could be appropriately offered at Trinity University. Transfer credit will be evaluated and posted to the academic record only for students currently enrolled at Trinity University. Courses with a grade of D+ or lower will not be accepted for transfer credit. Courses completed at another institution at the lower-division level, including all courses completed at a community or junior college, will transfer as lower-division credit even if the closest equivalent Trinity University course is at the upper division.

The University does not recognize the Associate of Arts degree for a set number of hours of credit. Each course is evaluated separately to determine if it can apply toward a Trinity degree.

Transfer credit must be reported on official transcripts sent directly to Trinity University by the other institution. Hand carried transcripts are not accepted as official documents.

Trinity students who plan to take courses at another institution during the summer or during a semester’s absence and wish to transfer credit to apply toward a degree must have signed approval in advance from their faculty adviser, the chair of the department for the course being transferred, and the Registrar. Approval forms are available from the Registrar. In the case of foreign institutions, see the procedure under Study Abroad (below).

Trinity University does not limit the number of credit hours that may be accepted as transfer credit. However, the University does require students to complete courses fulfilling the Approaches to Creation and Analysis and the Interdisciplinary Cluster in residence at Trinity. Exceptions to this rule are made for transfer students, whose transfer credit may be applied to the Approaches to Creation and Analysis requirements and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Students should be aware of the following residency requirements:

  • At least 60 credit hours must be earned in residence to complete a baccalaureate degree.
  • At least 15 credit hours of each major must be earned in residence, and at least 12 of those hours must be upper division.
  • The last 30 credit hours before graduation must be earned in residence.

Exceptions for study abroad: Students with 62 or more semester hours earned at Trinity who wish to enroll in an approved study abroad program in their senior year may be exempted from the last 30 hours-in-residence requirement. Students who transfer to Trinity with 50 or more credit hours may count up to 15 semester hours of approved study abroad credit toward the 62-hour residency requirement. These same exceptions apply to special semester domestic programs approved by the Office of Study Abroad.

Study Abroad and Off-Campus Study

Trinity University believes that living and studying in another culture can be an essential part of a liberal arts education. Opportunities for such study are available to all Trinity students including those in the natural sciences and professional disciplines. Approximately 40 percent of Trinity students in the most recent graduating classes have spent a semester or academic year abroad.

Most academic majors are directly enriched through foreign study. This is the case for professionally oriented majors such as business, communication, music, theater, and even engineering, as well as for disciplines more traditionally associated with overseas study such as history and languages. Natural science students may take advantage of the opportunity to approach their disciplines through a different, more specialized, educational system in foreign universities (usually in English-speaking countries), although some natural science majors choose instead to focus for a semester on language or cultural studies. A growing number of specialized programs, internship programs, and field studies programs offer additional opportunities.

A wide choice of Trinity approved programs (many taught in English) allow for a semester or year abroad in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Russia, and other European countries, in Mexico, Costa Rica, and South America, in China, Japan, and other Asian countries, in Africa, in Australia and New Zealand, and in Israel and Egypt. Trinity is an affiliate of the distinguished Institute for the International Education of Students (IES), a coordinating institution for Denmark’s International Studies Program (DIS), a member of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies (Rome) and of the Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE), and maintains close relationships with a number of other programs and universities. Trinity most directly sponsors programs as a member of Associated Colleges of the South (ACS). Trinity also has direct exchanges with the TEC de Monterrey in Mexico and several schools in East Asia, including Lingnan University in Hong Kong, National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, and Ewha and Yonsei Universities in Korea.

What particularly distinguishes Trinity’s program for study abroad, however, is its determination to place each individual student in whatever program is most appropriate to the specific needs, interest, and abilities of that individual. To that end Trinity provides a comprehensive set of resources for information and advising. Any interested student should begin by visiting the International Programs Office, preferably as early as possible in his or her academic career. Most forms of financial aid may be applied toward the costs of the semester abroad. Students with financial aid should consult the Study Abroad Office and the Office of Financial Aid.

A Trinity student planning to study abroad and transfer the credits to Trinity must obtain approval for the program in advance. The deadline for processing program applications and approval is October 25, for Spring semester applicants; March 25, for Fall semester, Summer term, and Academic Year applicants. Students intending to study abroad should discuss this interest with their academic advisers as well as with the Study Abroad Counselors. In addition to providing for transfer of credit, approval to study abroad maintains one’s status as a currently enrolled Trinity student during the period abroad and provides for residence hall eligibility and arrangements for registration.

Study Abroad policies and procedures apply to a number of special programs that a Trinity student may pursue in the United States. These include the American University Washington Semester and the Semester in Environmental Sciences at Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole in Massachusetts (both of them formal Trinity affiliates), a United Nations semester, urban semesters in Chicago or Philadelphia, an art semester in New York, and semesters at  major national research laboratories in several of the physical and biological sciences.

Dual Credit

Trinity University accepts dual credit (college courses taken as part of the secondary school curriculum) only if the courses taken were not used to satisfy Trinity’s expectations for admission as outlined in the Admission Minimum Course Expectations section and have met all other mandated transfer requirements as stated in the Transfer Credit section.

Credit by Examination

All credit by examination is recorded on the student’s permanent record as credit (CR) without a grade and becomes part of the official transcript. No credit is valid without the student’s enrollment for credit at Trinity University. Transfer credit will not be allowed for credit by examination which does not meet Trinity’s own requirements.

All credit by examination must be earned in disciplines in which the student does not already have credit more advanced than the level of the examination. Credit by examination may not be duplicated by subsequent enrollment in an equivalent course for credit. Upon recommendation of the student’s faculty advisor and with the approval of the appropriate department, the Registrar may delete credit by examination from the permanent record to allow the student to take the equivalent course for credit. Credit earned by examination satisfies degree requirements in the same way as does credit earned by passing the course, except that it does not count as credit earned in residence. Trinity does not accept credit earned by examination at another institution.

College Board Advanced Placement Program

Trinity University allows students to earn credit prior to entrance through the College Board Advanced Placement Program. Trinity awards credit for most AP examination scores of 4 or 5. A current list of AP examinations showing the equivalent credit awarded by Trinity is available from the Registrar. The granting of credit is automatic upon receipt of official score reports.

Cambridge University International Examinations

Trinity University recognizes some Cambridge University International Examinations, and students may contact the Registrar for further details regarding placement credits in individual academic disciplines.

International Baccalaureate Program

Trinity University allows students to earn credit prior to entrance through the International Baccalaureate Program sponsored by the International Baccalaureate Organization of Geneva, Switzerland and the International Baccalaureate North American regional office in New York. Trinity awards credit for most IB Higher Level Examination scores of 5, 6, or 7. A current list of IB examinations showing the equivalent credit awarded by Trinity is available from the Registrar. Credit will be granted upon receipt of an official IB transcript.

Departmental Examinations

Departmental examinations in specific courses are available to qualified students upon approval of the chair of the department in which the examination is to be taken. Approval forms are available from the Registrar. After approval, but prior to taking the examination, the student must pay the nonrefundable departmental examination fee (see Fees for Special Purposes) to the Business Office. The appropriate faculty member then administers and grades the examination. Credit for the course will be granted provided the student passes the examination with a grade of B or higher and completes 24 semester credit in residence. The student must be in good standing when the examination is requested.

Course Numbering

Course numbers at Trinity University consist of four digits.

The first digit indicates the level of the course: 1 or 2 designates a lower-division course; 3 or 4 designates an upper-division course; and 5 or 6 designates a course at the graduate level.

The second digit indicates the value of the course in credit hours. The third and fourth digits identify specific courses within the subject area.

For example, in the course number COMM-1320, the first digit (1) means that this is a lower-division course, whereas the second digit (3) indicates that this course is worth 3 credit hours.

Similarly, in the course number HIST-3420, the first digit (3) means that this is an upper-division course, whereas the second digit (4) indicates that this course is worth 4 credit hours.

Course Abbreviations

Subject Code Subject
ACCT Accounting
AFAM African American Studies
ALE Arts, Letters, and Enterprise
ANTH Anthropology
ARAB Arabic
ARTH Art History
BAT Business Analytics and Technology
BIMA Biomathematics
BIOL Biology
BUSN Business
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CLAC Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum
CLAS Classics
CMLT Comparative Literature
COMM Communication
CSCI Computer Science
EAST East Asian Studies at Trinity
ECON Economics
EDUC Education
ELED Educational Leadership
ENGL English
ENGR Engineering Science
ENTR Entrepreneurship
ENVI Environmental Studies
EPSY Educational Psychology
FILM Film Studies
FNCE Finance
FREN French
FYE First-Year Experience
GEOS Geosciences
GERM German
GNED General Education
GREK Greek
GRST German Studies
HCAD Health Care Administration
HCAI Health Care Administration Executive Program
HCOM Human Communication
HIST History
HRM Human Resources Management
HUMA Humanities
INTB International Business
INTL International Studies
ITAL Italian
LATN Latin
LING Linguistics
MATH Mathematics
MDRS Medieval and Renaissance Studies
MFIN Mathematical Finance
MGMT Management
MIS Management Information Systems
MKTG Marketing
ML&L Modern Languages and Literatures
MUSC Music
MUSE Music Ensemble
MUSI Music Instruction
NEUR Neuroscience
PHED Physical Education
PHIL Philosophy
PHYS Physics
PLSI Political Science
PSYC Psychology
RELI Religion
RUSS Russian
SCOM Scientific Computing
SOCI Sociology
SPAN Spanish
SPCL Special Studies
SPMT Sport Management
THTR Theatre
URBS Urban Studies
WAGS Women’s and Gender Studies


Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Program


The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program is offered at Trinity University through a Crosstown Agreement with the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). Trinity students may attend Air Force ROTC classes at UTSA as part of their Trinity curriculum. Students who meet all Air Force ROTC standards will be commissioned as officers in the United States Air Force upon degree completion from Trinity. The Air Force ROTC program is offered regardless of a student’s major and does not of itself lead to a degree. A maximum of 16 credit hours may be taken.

The Air Force ROTC program provides management and leadership training to prepare students to serve as officers in the U.S. Air Force. The program is open to any U.S. citizen who meets the academic and physical standards.

The Air Force ROTC curriculum is comprised of four courses each semester conducted at the first year, sophomore, junior, and senior levels. Speaking and writing skills are progressively developed in all four levels of instruction.

“The Foundation of the United States Air Force” is the one-hour first-year-level course. It introduces students to the United States Air Force and provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organization of the Air Force as well as introduction to communication skills. A mandatory Leadership Laboratory must be taken in conjunction with the course. “The Evolution of USAF Air and Space Power” is the one-hour sophomore-level course. It features topics on Air Force heritage and leaders; introduction to air and space power through examination of competencies and functions; and continued application of communication skills. A mandatory Leadership Laboratory must be taken in conjunction with the course. “Air Force Leadership Studies” is the three-hour junior-level course.  Students learn advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing leadership skills. A mandatory Leadership Laboratory must be taken in conjunction with the course. “National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty” is the three-hour senior-level course. It provides students with the foundation to understand their role as military officers in American society. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession. As with the previous courses, a mandatory Leadership Laboratory must be taken in conjunction with the course. The Leadership Laboratory is approximately one hour and forty-five minutes; all cadets attend the laboratory, which is held once a week during the semester.

Four-Year Program:

The General Military Course (GMC) is open to all Trinity students, and is generally taken during the first and second years. There is no obligation incurred by nonscholarship GMC cadets. Cadets will learn the history, role and structure of the U.S. Air Force, and basic military skills. Veterans who have been honorably discharged may be granted credit for part or all of the GMC.

The Professional Officer Course (POC) is the upper division portion of the Air Force ROTC program. Admittance to the POC is based on competitive criteria and the needs of the Air Force. Prior to entering the POC, applicants will normally attend a four-week field training encampment. The  POC  is  normally  taken  during  the  junior  and  senior  years.  All POC students are enlisted in the Air Force Reserve and receive a subsistence allowance. Upon completion of the POC and all degree requirements, cadets are commissioned in the U.S. Air Force and serve a minimum of four years on active duty. A maximum of 12 hours is allowed for the POC.

Flight Training:

The AFROTC has a very competitive program for qualified people who desire to become a pilot or navigator. There are particular physical qualifications, which include vision, height/weight, Air Force Officer Qualifying Test scores, and health history. AFROTC pilot candidates attend Introductory Flight Training, which pays for a private pilot’s license if the member does no have one already.

Scholarships and Remuneration:

Air Force ROTC offers 4-, 3.5-, 3-, 2.5-, and 2-year competitive scholarships. Four-Year Program cadets may compete for all scholarships, while Two-Year Program applicants can apply for 2-year scholarships.   All scholarships provide tuition and fee assistance, a book allotment, plus $250-$400 a month subsistence allowance. These scholarships are awarded solely on academic merit. Students interested in applying for a scholarship should contact the Professor of Aerospace Studies at UTSA.

All students enrolled in the POC and contracted to the U.S. Air Force will be paid a $350-$400 a month subsistence allowance.

Uniforms and Equipment:

All uniforms, textbooks, and other equipment will be issued to students enrolled in Air Force ROTC courses. Students are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all items issued them.

Air Force ROTC Offices (210-458-4624) are located in the North Paseo Building (1.220) on the University of Texas at San Antonio campus.

Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Program

The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program is offered at Trinity University through a crosstown agreement with St. Mary’s University. Trinity students may attend Army ROTC classes at St. Mary’s as part of their Trinity curriculum. Students who meet all Army ROTC standards will be commissioned as officers in the United States Army upon degree completion from Trinity. The Army ROTC program is offered regardless of a student’s major and does not of itself lead to a degree. A maximum of 18 credit hours may be taken.

In addition to the courses described below, a Leadership Laboratory is held every Wednesday afternoon for two hours to further the development of leadership skills through a varied program consisting of field trips, practical exercises, and visits to military installations.

The Professor of Military Science at St. Mary’s University and the Army ROTC offices are located at the bottom floor of Treadaway Hall at St. Mary’s. The telephone numbers are 210-436-3415 (ROTC Recruiting Operations Officer) and 210-379-1997 (ROTC Enrollment Officer). The e-mail address is rotc@stmarytx.edu.

Four-Year Program:

The Basic Course, usually pursued concurrently with the freshman and sophomore years, is voluntary for students who are physically qualified for military training. There is no obligation incurred by nonscholarship cadets. Veterans who have served on active duty for a  period of over one year and who have received an honorable discharge, or High School students who have completed 3 or 4 years of JROTC, may be granted credit for the basic course with concurrence of the Professor of Military Science.

The Advanced Course may be pursued by students who are physically qualified and have met the standards prescribed by the Professor of Military Science in scholastic achievement and demonstrated leadership. Cadets are normally enrolled in the Advanced Course during their Junior and Senior Year or Graduate students pursuing a Master’s Degree. They are required to attend a five-week ROTC Leadership Development Assessment Course (LDAC) the summer following their junior year. Upon satisfactory completion of LDAC and the academic work required for a degree, students are commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Regular Army, the Army Reserves, or the Army National Guard.

The Basic Course consists of MS courses at the 1000 and 2000 level. The Advanced Course consists of MS courses at the 3000, 4000, or 5000 level.

Two-Year Program:

In addition to the standard four-year course outlined above, the St. Mary’s University Military Science Department offers a two-year program for those who did not have or take the opportunity to complete the normal Basic Course. In order to enroll in the Advanced Course, a student must successfully complete four weeks of leadership training, provided at the Leadership Training Course (LTC) during the summer months prior to beginning their junior year or their first year in graduate school. If students desire to take advantage of this opportunity, they should communicate directly with the Professor of Military Science not later than March 1 of the year preceding the last two years at Trinity University.

Scholarship and Remuneration:

The Department of the Army offers 4-, 3-, and 2-year competitive scholarship assistance to qualifying ROTC students. This assistance consists of payment of 100% of tuition and fees and a $1,200 a year book allotment, plus a grant to the ROTC cadet of $300 to $500 a month during the period of enrollment (not to exceed 40 months). The student need not be enrolled in the ROTC program prior to competing for a scholarship. Students interested in competing for scholarship assistance under this program should contact the Army ROTC Enrollment Officer.

Formally enrolled Advanced Course students who are not under the scholarship program will be given a grant at the rate announced annually by the Secretary of the Army (currently this rate is $450 to $500 per month) not to exceed 20 months. During LDAC, all students are paid at the rate of one-half of the base pay per month of a second lieutenant in lieu of subsistence allowance.

Uniforms and Equipment:

All uniforms, textbooks, and other equipment will be issued to students enrolled in Army ROTC courses. Students are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all items issued to them.


Students may register for the following courses through St. Mary’s University and other participating colleges and universities.

MS-1101 Fundamentals of Leadership and Management 1 sem. hour

Organization of the Army and ROTC; career opportunities for ROTC graduates, and the military as a profession. Customs and traditions of the service. Development of leadership potential, First Aid, and Introduction to Map Reading.

MS-1102 Fundamentals of Leadership and Management 1 sem. hour

Leadership studies of problems facing junior leaders in today’s Army in non-combat situations. Effects of technological and sociological change on the military.  Continuation of customs and traditions of the service. Development of leadership potential.  Basic military skills training.

MS-2201 Self/Team Development 2 sem. hours

Learn/apply ethics-based leadership skills that develop individual abilities and contribute to the building of effective teams of people. Develop skills in oral presentations, writing concisely, planning events, coordination of group efforts, advanced first aid, land navigation, and basic military tactics.

MS-2202 Applied Leadership and Management 2 sem. hours

Military use of maps and terrain analysis with emphasis on practical experiences.  Introduction to the leadership techniques required to conduct patrolling, offensive and defensive tactical missions.

MS-3301 Advanced Leadership and Management 3 sem. hours

Performance oriented instruction in preparation for Advanced Camp. Analysis of psychological, physiological, and sociological factors which affect human behavior. Analysis of leadership and management processes. Techniques in planning, presenting, and evaluating performance-oriented instruction.

Prerequisites: MS-1101, MS-1102, MS-2201, and MS-2202, or permission of the Professor of Military Science.

MS-3302 Advanced Leadership and Management 3 sem. hours

Performance-oriented instruction in preparation for Advanced Camp. Development of the student’s ability  to  express  him/herself  clearly and  accurately, with  emphasis  on  the  analysis of military problems, and the preparation and delivery of logical solutions. Analysis of the leader’s role in planning, directing, and coordinating the efforts of individuals and small units in the execution of offensive and defensive tactical missions.

Prerequisites: MS-3301 or permission of the Professor of Military Science.

MS-4301 Seminar in Leadership and Management 3 sem. hours

Analysis of selected leadership and management problems. Responsibilities of the Commander and staff in the areas of administration, personnel, operations and logistics. Introduction to military justice and the Army training system.

Prerequisites: MS-3302 or permission of the Professor of Military Science.

MS-4302 Seminar in Leadership and Management 3 sem. hours

Analysis of selected leadership and management problems with a concentration on management problem analysis and decision making, planning and organizing, delegation and control, and interpersonal skills required for effective management. Seminars in the role of the officer in the conduct of personal affairs and ethics.

Prerequisite: MS-4301 or permission of the Professor of Military Science.

MS-5301, MS-5302 Advanced Seminar in Military Issues I, II 6 sem. hours

Analysis of various topics concerning the principles of war and the contemporary operating environment. Analysis and discussion of various topics pertaining to the duties and responsibilities of a 2nd Lieutenant. Additional course options are special projects and Ranger Challenge participation based on guidance and approval of the Professor of Military Science.

Prerequisite: MS-4301 or MS-4302 or permission of the Professor of Military Science.

Correspondence Study

Trinity University does not offer undergraduate academic work by correspondence and does not accept such work.